Me, My Heart, and I

by Melinda Gallo

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The best part about where I live on the outskirts of Paris is that there’s a park along the Seine where I can run. This past winter, it was too dark for me to go running in the morning so I rarely went. I definitely felt the effect of not having my running schedule: not only did I feel lethargic, but also less inspired to write. It was almost as if my writing wasn’t flowing unless my body was moving. For the past few months, I barely running once a week, but now I’m going a few times a week like I used to. I definitely feel like a new person now that I’m back to running again.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

This morning when I woke up, the sky was grey. I felt a strong sense of joy inside of me, but a veil of melancholy was definitely present too. At times, however, I find great comfort in sad songs and grey skies. I like the duality of my emotions. I am fine with feeling love and joy pulsate through me while a sense of sadness washes over me. I know that the sadness is not permanent, but I know that I have to let it run its course and not fight it off.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

At the end of the Ponte Grazie, I decided to head west away from the sun rising above the city and toward the moon that was on its way out of sight. The weather is typical for autumn: cool air and cloudy skies. It is definitely my favorite time of year when so much is happening and changing. Nothing is stagnant and it’s evident all around me.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This morning while I was running on the Ponte alle Grazie, I wasn’t sure which way I wanted to go: either through town along the Arno past the Ponte Vecchio and toward Le Cascine or up to Piazzale Michelangiolo. It wasn’t until I saw the sun peeking through the clouds above the mountains that I decided to run up to the piazzale. As I ran along the Arno on the sidewalk with cars and motorini (scooters) passing me by, I felt a slight thrill.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday morning when I went out for my morning run it was darker outside. The sky was a dark blue and the only thing darker were the shadows of the trees on the beige gravel paths of the Champ de Mars. The Eiffel Tower appeared a dark brown instead of its usual greyish tan color. The only lights were the red ones at the top and the elevators that were slowly going up and down.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

When I arrived at the Champ de Mars this morning, the men I usually see in yellow fluorescent jackets were gone. They left behind stacks of see-through green trash bags under the trees for pickup. I started off my run as usual with runners along side me and others coming toward me. I always head in the same direction toward the Eiffel Tower, and each time I can’t help but smile.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It has been two months since I last ran around the Eiffel Tower. Yesterday morning at 6:45, I arrived at the Champ de Mars, excited to be back in shape and ready to run. I sprained my ankle in June the evening after I last ran at the Champ de Mars. The sun hadn’t yet made it up and the sky was dim as I walked down Avenue de la Motte-Picquet toward the Ecole Militaire. I immediately headed toward the Eiffel Tower, leaving the Ecole Militaire behind me. I felt a surge of joy as I passed under the large, leafy trees on the left side of the large chemin (path). Instead of turning onto the street that passes in front of the Eiffel Tower, I ran to the quai (quay) to go around the Eiffel Tower and see the Trocadéro.

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