Me, My Heart, and I

by Melinda Gallo

Sunday, August 4, 2013
Me, My Heart, and I :: Enjoying summer in Paris

Since the end of May, I’ve been traveling around quite a bit. I visited my family in the US, went on a cruise through the Greek islands, returned to Florence for a few days, went to Corsica for the weekend and then spent a few days on the coast in Brittany. Now, while many of my colleagues are off on vacation, I’m happy to be staying put for a while. To celebrate my time home, my beau and I spent some time in Paris so we could walk around and take in the city while it’s calm.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Dates are important to me. I remember the dates of everything that is significant to me: births, deaths, and my arrival in Florence (both times). Today is Florence’s saint’s day, San Giovanni Battista (John the Baptist). It’s the one day I am usually in Florence because I get to celebrate my beloved city.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

It’s the beginning of summer and I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the window and the thunder growling in the distant. I looked at my phone and saw that it will be rainy all day. In Florence, however, it is hot and sunny. This year, the weather has been odd. Maybe not just in Paris, but also in other parts of Europe When I was in Florence in May, it was a little cooler than it normally is in spring.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Instead of getting in the car after work and driving home, my beau and I walked a couple of blocks to the métro station and went into Paris. I don’t go to Paris as much as I’d like to even though it is not even that far away. My office where I work is in Clichy, just two stops outside of the city. When I was working in Paris initially, I rented apartments usually in the 7th arrondissement and commuted to work on the métro. Now that I live a little west of the city, I either take the train alone or the car with my beau.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

After my last trip to Florence, I came back to Paris and then left for California for a couple of weeks. Now that I am back in France where I plan on staying put for a little while. In the last couple of months, I have put my blog on the back burner, but have continued taking photos and publishing them via Instagram. During my last trip to Florence, my beau and I also visited the Cinque Terre and Siena. Even though I love Florence, I enjoy visiting Italy and sharing it with others.

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Friday, May 3, 2013

This evening as my plane flew over Tuscany with its plots of land divided into puzzle pieces of varying shades of green, I already felt the effect my beloved city has on me. I could almost smell the lush and fertile countryside surrounding Florence with its grass and cypress trees. After the hilly valley was a sea of light-colored buildings with terracotta rooftops. The sky was a little hazy, but the Duomo stood out and dominated the city.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To celebrate the Fête du Travail (Labor Day) in France, I went to the Bastille. Not to protest like thousands of people, but to visit the annual Grand Marché d’Art Contemporain (Contemporary Art Fair). Last Saturday when my beau and I were walking through the Bastille metro station, we saw the poster advertising it. Unfortunately, my beau couldn’t join me on my trip to Paris, but I didn’t want to miss taking advantage of my day off from work to peruse the artwork at the marché.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

The best part about where I live on the outskirts of Paris is that there’s a park along the Seine where I can run. This past winter, it was too dark for me to go running in the morning so I rarely went. I definitely felt the effect of not having my running schedule: not only did I feel lethargic, but also less inspired to write. It was almost as if my writing wasn’t flowing unless my body was moving. For the past few months, I barely running once a week, but now I’m going a few times a week like I used to. I definitely feel like a new person now that I’m back to running again.

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