I’ve already returned from Florence to Paris since Sunday. I went home last Friday and brought my beau with me. Over the weekend, I showed off my beloved city and took in its splendor. I enjoyed walking the streets and visiting a few special spots. I was over the moon to share my beloved city with my beau. We ate at a couple of my favorite restaurants, visited the Uffizi, and went to a soccer match to watch the Fiorentina play.
It was a joy for me to take in my beloved city as I used to before when I was living most of my life in Florence. Sometimes when I am in Paris, I wonder if I have lost my Florentine life. Each time I return, I am reminded that Florence isn’t going anywhere and any time that I want to have my Florentine life back, it is there for me.
After my beau returned to Paris, I stayed in Florence. I immersed myself in my beloved city during my lunch breaks and after work and met up with a few of my friends. I had a wonderful time and was fortunate to enjoy the milder temperatures and sunshine.
I returned to Paris last Sunday and was thrown immediately into work on Monday. It’s hard to believe that it’s already the beginning of February. Time seems to go by quickly -- albeit joyously and happily -- but definitely quickly. Since I’ve returned, the days have begun to get longer. The sun is now out when I leave home to go to work. It definitely changes my outlook on the day.
Now that the first month of the year has passed, I feel much more relaxed and grounded. All the changes from last year have been almost completely integrated and life between Florence and Paris seems calmer and easier for me.
I no longer stay in different apartments in Paris, but now live with my beau in a Parisian banlieue (suburb). My life has shifted a lot in the last few months and I am only happier because of all these changes.
Between my life in my beloved city and my life with my beloved, I feel that I am finally able to balance everything much easier. It’s interesting for me to have two completely different homes. My home in Florence is where I recharge my batteries, fill myself up with love and joy, and bask in my beloved city’s beauty and energy. I always feel energized when I leave and return to Paris. My home with my beau in Paris is where I live sweet life as a couple. It’s the first time I’ve experienced a true partnership and feel great joy because of it.
Even if my heart is in two places, I still take it with me wherever I go. I am continually filling my heart up with love and sharing it with those who are close to me in both locations. The greatest gift my two cities give me is to live more from my heart.
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