Dates are important to me. I remember the dates of everything that is significant to me: births, deaths, and my arrival in Florence (both times). Today is Florence’s saint’s day, San Giovanni Battista (John the Baptist). It’s the one day I am usually in Florence because I get to celebrate my beloved city.
There is an annual run in the evening before San Giovanni and fuochi (fireworks) that evening after dusk. It’s a holiday I love because I get to bask in my beloved city and honor it.
This year, I am far from Florence on its saint day and it’s even more difficult for me than usual. It’s the day that I would love to spend in my beloved city. The sadness I feel is almost like not being with the person I love on his/her birthday.
I plan on perusing many of my photos of Florence today so I can just imagine myself there again. I have always appreciated m y beloved city, but I appreciate it even more now that I spend more time away from it. It’s almost as if she has become even more significant to me.
Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder for me. I could never imagine my life without my beloved city and honestly I can’t wait to return to her. I will celebrate her today even though I am far way, and once again when I return.
Tanti auguri, Firenze. Sei sempre nel mio cuore e fai parte di me (Best wishes, Florence. You are always in my heart and are a part of me).
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