As I continue to split my life between Florence and a Parisian suburb, I have realized that when I arrive home I have to adjust to the rhythm of each city. It took me some time to find my balance between the two cities and now that I have all of my essentials in both homes, I travel rather lightly only bringing certain things to each home that I like. With a flight is only an hour and a half long, it should be easy for me to adjust. However, I always find myself stumbling a little when I return to France.
When I am in Florence, things just seem to fall into place. The minute I get off the plane, I feel as if I never left. I am not only at peace in my beloved city, but I also feel comfortable there. Florence is a city that moves more at my pace. It’s a creative and passionate place that continually inspires and motivates me. Florence allows me to be honor my emotions. It doesn’t judge or stifle me; it encourages me to be as sincere as possible with everyone and in every situation.
In Paris, things are a little steadier: people weigh the pros and the cons, discuss and sometimes debate the issues, and then make decisions accordingly. When I am in Paris, I too contemplate more; however, I also make more plans and accomplish more. I appreciate and value this more intellectual side that Paris brings out in me. However, I now realize that I need both: I get my inspiration from Florence and then feel the drive to achieve from Paris. It is a good combination that I not only appreciate, but also need.
While going from one city to the other is like going from a light jog to a run, it just takes some adjusting. I now know that I need to not rush into the faster rhythm too quickly and just let it happen. I thought I had to push myself harder to adjust quicker, but now I’ve learned that I just can’t force it. It’ll happen in its own time, which depends on my current state of mind and heart, and there’s no point in rushing it. Adjusting to a new place should be as natural as the changing of gears in a car: when it’s time to shift, you shift.
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